Our dedicated support line is available internationally, supported by expert knowledge in specialty service areas.
Outreach to local and global focus – your project can leverage new trends in digital technology to your benefit.
Offline habits aren’t always respected online. Seabreeze is happy to help you build confidence in a dynamic digital landscape.
“RJ and Seabreeze Saved my Life!” – private client
In the digital age, it will be necessary to take risks and keep up with the state-of-the-art. At some point, we all will need assistance. Seabreeze is that solution for your home office, small business, or special project.
The 24-hour helpdesk and support line is available internationally, supported by expert knowledge in specialty service areas, including recovery from catastrophic events.
Executives and managers struggle to make good decisions in an environment of constant information overload. Seabreeze can deliver focused, relevant understanding to make improved decisions for your business or project.
Seabreeze creative division offers direct support for media and campaigning in the modern age. From asset design and production, to mass-outreach and strategies for social media, a project is highly visible and making a difference!
As far back as memory, Seabreeze has been at the core of database design, industry-standard good practice, and user interactions with data for teams small and large. Make your data work for you!
Dimensions in Data Usage
When Seabreeze is at it’s best, the customer’s vision is being actively developed with modern tools and building skills in a positive environment. Cornell’s Johnson School of Management used the creative division of Seabreeze to produce and publish a distance-learning campus and production studio for pre-recorded aud-visual content in a virtual space.
Interactions would give the students, guests, and visitors to the online campus an experience of having seen the Ithaca campus buidling, Sage Hall.
Through a modern client, online chat was extended to immersive audio-visiual and education materials promoting the goals of the school.
Deliver an “authentic” experience that would credit the institutation and its mission, with the educators leading the exchange, guests are invited to participate in fascinating discussions about the impact of online communication.
While the initial study shows promise, our understanding of this media is only just beginning. Seabreeze can help you engage and activate your audience online!
Collaboration and Design
Within the Seabreeze sea-chest of skills, only you can decide what service needs a buff.
Client Data Management to promotion and packaging, we can help you deliver a full-featured and time-sensitive digital best practice.
Content is sensitive. Your private data deserves a better chance of staying private. Security assessment and consultation are provided on request, just ask!
Your data security is important to us. Clients who have felt subjected to scams or are victims of digital crimes have special concern that can be taken action on.
Publishing today is as complex as it is diverse. Seabreeze has been supporting customers’ desire to be published whether offline in print or online for decades.
How can Seabreeze help?
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what some of our clients have needed:
Database developer, Branch Assistant Office, National Staff, USCG Aux. (2005)

Flotilla 11-11
US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Internet Tech installation, support, education, and maintenance care

Three Hierarchs Church
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Special Assistant, Art Department “Invincible (2006)” with Mark Wahlberg

Who’s Nuts Productions
Walt Disney Pictures
Just ask today for a free consultation!
Our Team
Special People need special support. Seabreeze specializes in bringing state-of-the-art industry standards to people and businesses in a friendly and accessible way!

René J. “R.J.” Coté
Proprietor and “Chief Untangler”